June 28, 2021

New Course: Fullstack App Using Next.js, GraphQL, TypeScript & Prisma

We're thrilled to announce that we're working on a new course where you'll learn how to build a fullstack app using Next.js, GraphQL, TypeScript, and Prisma!

New Course: Fullstack App Using Next.js, GraphQL, TypeScript & Prisma

In this course, you'll learn how to build "Awesome Links", a fullstack app where users can browse through a list of curated links and bookmark their favorite ones.

Note: The course has been updated to use GraphQL Yoga as the GraphQL server and Pothos building the GraphQL schema.

Technologies used

The app is built using the following technologies:

What the course will cover

  • Data modeling using Prisma
  • Building a GraphQL API layer in a Next.js API route using GraphQL Yoga and Pothos
  • Authentication using Auth0
  • Authorization
  • Image upload using AWS S3
  • GraphQL pagination using Apollo Client
  • Deployment to Vercel

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