May 27, 2016
Connections, Edges & Nodes in Relay
The terminology of Relay can be quite overwhelming in the beginning. Relay introduces a handful of new concepts on top of GraphQL, mainly in order to manage relationships between models..
This already leads to the first new term: a one-to-many relationship between two models is called a connection.
Let’s consider this following simple GraphQL query. It fetches the releaseDate
of the movie
“Inception” and the name
s of all of its actors
. The actors
field is a connection between a movie
and multiple actors
Now let’s take this query and adjust it to the expected format of Relay.
Edges and nodes
Okay, let’s see what’s going on here. The actors
connection now has a more complex structure containing the fields edges
and node
. These terms should be a bit more clear when looking at the following image.
Don’t worry. In order to use Relay, you don’t have to understand the reasons why the structure is designed this way but rest assured that it makes a lot of sense.
Lastly, we also notice the first: 10 parameter on the actors field. This gives us a way to paginate over the entire list of related actors. In this case we’re taking the first 10 actors (nodes). In the same way we could additionally specify the after parameter which allows us to skip a certain amount of nodes.
Further reading
This was just a brief overview on connections in Relay. If you want to dive deeper please check out the Relay docs on connections or explore the Relay Cursor Connections Specification.
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