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Performance metrics

An Optimize recording session provides detailed insights into the latencies of executed queries, capturing key metrics such as average duration, 50th percentile, 99th percentile, and maximal query execution time.

Total query durations

Prisma Optimize measures total latency for query patterns, enabling you to analyze and debug slow queries effectively.

Average query duration (AVG)

The average query duration reveals the mean execution time across all queries, helping you assess overall performance trends and identify inefficiencies that impact the user experience.

50th percentile (P50)

The 50th percentile, or median, query duration indicates the time within which half of your queries complete. This metric offers a clear view of typical user performance, unaffected by outliers.

99th percentile (P99)

The 99th percentile query duration highlights the execution time for the slowest 1% of queries. This metric is crucial for uncovering and addressing performance bottlenecks that, while infrequent, can significantly impact user satisfaction.

Maximal query duration (MAX)

The maximal query duration measures the time taken by the single slowest query. This metric helps identify extreme cases, providing insights into the worst performance scenarios your system might face, so you can diagnose and resolve outliers.