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General instructions


Prisma Pulse requires a PostgreSQL (version 12+) database with logical replication enabled. To configure specific database providers for Prisma Pulse, visit here.

Database replication is the process of creating copies of a database and storing them across various on-premises or cloud destinations. Prisma Pulse uses logical replication to monitor your database for changes.

Enable logical replication

Required settings

You can enable logical replication by setting wal_level to logical in your database.

ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical;

You will need to restart the database after changing this setting.

Note: Some providers may not allow direct access to this setting. If you are unable to change this setting via the SQL command above, please refer to the provider-specific guides for further assistance.

Optional settings


Setting wal_keep_size increases the memory usage of the write-ahead log on your PostgreSQL database.

We recommend setting a value for wal_keep_size tailored to your database's storage capacity. This ensures smooth operation of both your database and Prisma Pulse.

ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_keep_size = 2048;


Prisma Pulse only needs one replication slot available. You can set the max_replication_slots if you have other replications in use.

ALTER SYSTEM SET max_replication_slots = 20;


For update and delete events, you have the option to include in the event the values of the record before the operation was performed:

  • For update: Include the values of the updated record before the update was performed in a field called before
  • For delete: Include the values of the deleted record.

If you enable this, you will also be able to filter on these fields.

To include this data, you must set REPLICA IDENTITY to FULL on the table(s) you want to get field values for.

For example, running the following SQL command will set the REPLICA IDENTITY to FULL on a table named User:


Manage the tables monitored by Pulse

By default, Pulse monitors all tables for changes in your database. If you want to enable replication for specific models or if you use a database provider that restricts superuser access for Prisma Pulse, you can configure your own publication slot. A publication slot is a reserved space in the primary database that publishes data to replicas. It allows the database to track changes by publishing data from specific tables or operations. If you want to configure your own publication slot and enable Pulse, you'll need to opt for one of our paid plans.

Creating a publication slot

You can create publications in the following ways below depending on the version of your PostgreSQL database.

Publication for all models.

Publication for specific fields.

For example, create a publication that publishes all changes for table users, but replicates only columns user_id and firstname:

   CREATE PUBLICATION users_filtered FOR TABLE users (user_id, firstname);
Publication for specific models.

For example, create a publication that publishes all changes in two tables:

CREATE PUBLICATION user_and_department_publication FOR TABLE users, departments;
Publication for a model with a WHERE clause on it’s fields.

For example, create a publication that publishes all changes from active departments:

CREATE PUBLICATION active_departments FOR TABLE departments WHERE (active IS TRUE);
Publication based on DML operations.

For example, create a publication that only publishes INSERT operations in one table:

CREATE PUBLICATION insert_only FOR TABLE departments
WITH (publish = 'insert');

publish (string)

This parameter determines which DML operations will be published by the new publication to the subscribers. The value is comma-separated list of operations. The allowed operations are insert, update, delete, and truncate. The default is to publish all actions, and so the default value for this option is 'insert, update, delete, truncate'.

You can learn more about the PostgreSQL's CREATE PUBLICATION, supported versions and see more examples here.

Submit your publication slot

You can submit the publication name in the , before enabling Prisma Pulse:

  1. To view your publications, execute:

    SELECT * FROM pg_publication_tables;
  2. Navigate to Prisma Data Platform to enable Pulse.

  3. Submit the database connection string and region in the Database connection section.

  4. In your project environment configuration for Pulse, enter the publication name in the Publication name field. To access this, toggle the Automatic setup button in the Database replication section (available with a paid plan).

  5. After toggling Automatic setup, the button will transition to Advanced setup, and a textbox labeled Publication name will appear.

  6. Copy and paste the publication name from step 2.

  7. Click Enable Pulse.

Removing publications

If you are managing your replications independently and choose to disable Prisma Pulse for a particular environment, you can refer to the following SQL queries to remove your publications.

  1. To delete a publication:

    DROP PUBLICATION IF EXISTS "my_publication";
  2. View your publications:

    SELECT * FROM pg_publication_tables;

Provider-specific instructions

If you want to see the specific instructions for your database, select your database provider: