Prisma CLI reference
This document describes the Prisma CLI commands, arguments, and options.
The version
command outputs information about your current prisma
version, platform, and engine binaries.
The version
command recognizes the following options to modify its behavior:
Option | Required | Description |
--json | No | Outputs version information in JSON format. |
Output version information
prisma version
Environment variables loaded from .env
prisma : 2.21.0-dev.4
@prisma/client : 2.21.0-dev.4
Current platform : windows
Query Engine : query-engine 2fb8f444d9cdf7c0beee7b041194b42d7a9ce1e6 (at C:\Users\veroh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@prisma\cli\query-engine-windows.exe)
Migration Engine : migration-engine-cli 2fb8f444d9cdf7c0beee7b041194b42d7a9ce1e6 (at C:\Users\veroh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@prisma\cli\migration-engine-windows.exe)
Format Binary : prisma-fmt 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e (at node_modules\@prisma\engines\prisma-fmt-windows.exe)
Default Engines Hash : 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e
Studio : 0.365.0
Output version information (-v
prisma -v
Environment variables loaded from .env
prisma : 2.21.0-dev.4
@prisma/client : 2.21.0-dev.4
Current platform : windows
Query Engine : query-engine 2fb8f444d9cdf7c0beee7b041194b42d7a9ce1e6 (at C:\Users\veroh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@prisma\cli\query-engine-windows.exe)
Migration Engine : migration-engine-cli 2fb8f444d9cdf7c0beee7b041194b42d7a9ce1e6 (at C:\Users\veroh\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@prisma\cli\migration-engine-windows.exe)
Format Binary : prisma-fmt 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e (at node_modules\@prisma\engines\prisma-fmt-windows.exe)
Default Engines Hash : 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e
Studio : 0.365.0
Output version information as JSON
prisma version --json
Environment variables loaded from .env
"prisma": "2.21.0-dev.4",
"@prisma/client": "2.21.0-dev.4",
"current-platform": "windows",
"query-engine": "query-engine 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e (at node_modules\\@prisma\\engines\\query-engine-windows.exe)",
"migration-engine": "migration-engine-cli 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e (at node_modules\\@prisma\\engines\\migration-engine-windows.exe)",
"format-binary": "prisma-fmt 60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e (at node_modules\\@prisma\\engines\\prisma-fmt-windows.exe)",
"default-engines-hash": "60ba6551f29b17d7d6ce479e5733c70d9c00860e",
"studio": "0.365.0"
Bootstraps a fresh Prisma ORM project within the current directory.
The init
command does not interpret any existing files. Instead, it creates a prisma
directory containing a bare-bones schema.prisma
file within your current directory.
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--datasource-provider | No | Specifies the value for the provider field in the datasource block. Options are prisma+postgres , sqlite , postgresql , mysql , sqlserver , mongodb and cockroachdb . | postgresql |
--db | No | Shorthand syntax for --datasource-provider prisma+postgres ; creates a new Prisma Postgres instance. Requires authentication in the . | |
--url | No | Define a custom datasource url. | |
--generator-provider | No | Define the generator provider to use. | prisma-client-js |
--preview-feature | No | Define the Preview features to use. To define multiple Preview features, you have to provide the flag multiple times for each Preview feature. See example | |
--output | No | Specifies the output location for the generated client. | node_modules/.prisma/client |
--with-model | No | Adds a simple User model to the initial Prisma schema. Available since version 5.14.0 . |
Run prisma init
prisma init
✔ Your Prisma schema was created at prisma/schema.prisma.
You can now open it in your favorite editor.
Next steps:
1. Set the DATABASE_URL in the .env file to point to your existing database. If your database has no tables yet, read
2. Set the provider of the datasource block in schema.prisma to match your database: postgresql, mysql, sqlite, sqlserver, mongodb or cockroachdb.
3. Run prisma db pull to turn your database schema into a Prisma schema.
4. Run prisma generate to generate Prisma Client. You can then start querying your database.
More information in our documentation:
Run prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite
prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite
The command output contains helpful information on how to use the generated files and begin using Prisma ORM with your project.
Run prisma init --db
prisma init --db
The command creates a new Prisma Postgres instance. Note that it requires you to be authenticated with the , If you run it for the first time without being authenticated, the command will open the browser for you to log into Console.
Run prisma init --preview-feature
prisma init --preview-feature multiSchema
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["multiSchema"]
prisma init --preview-feature multiSchema --preview-feature metrics
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
previewFeatures = ["multiSchema", "metrics"]
Generated Assets
An initial schema.prisma
file to define your schema in:
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
A file to define environment variables for your project:
# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:
# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:
Run prisma init --url mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydb
The init
command with the --url
argument allows you to specify a custom datasource URL during Prisma initialization, instead of relying on a placeholder database URL:
prisma init --url mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydb
Generated Assets
A minimal schema.prisma
file to define your schema in:
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs:
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
A file to define environment variables for your project:
# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:
# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:
The generate
command generates assets like Prisma Client based on the generator
and data model
blocks defined in your prisma/schema.prisma
The generate
command is most often used to generate Prisma Client with the prisma-client-js
generator. This does three things:
- Searches the current directory and parent directories to find the applicable
project. It will create apackage.json
file in the current directory if it cannot find one. - Installs the
into thenpm
project if it is not already present. - Inspects the current directory to find a Prisma Schema to process. It will then generate a customized Prisma Client for your project.
To use the generate
command, you must add a generator definition in your schema.prisma
file. The prisma-client-js
generator, used to generate Prisma Client, can be added by including the following in your schema.prisma
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--data-proxy | No | The generate command will generate Prisma Client for use with Prisma Accelerate prior to Prisma 5.0.0. Mutually exclusive with --accelerate and --no-engine . | |
--accelerate | No | The generate command will generate Prisma Client for use with Prisma Accelerate. Mutually exclusive with --data-proxy and --no-engine . Available in Prisma 5.1.0 and later. | |
--no-engine | No | The generate command will generate Prisma Client without an accompanied engine for use with Prisma Accelerate. Mutually exclusive with --data-proxy and --accelerate . Available in Prisma ORM 5.2.0 and later. | |
--no-hints | No | The generate command will generate Prisma Client without usage hints being printed to the terminal. Available in Prisma ORM 5.16.0 and later. | |
--allow-no-models | No | The generate command will generate Prisma Client without generating any models. | |
--watch | No | The generate command will continue to watch the schema.prisma file and re-generate Prisma Client on file changes. |
Deprecation Warning
As of Prisma 5.2.0, --data-proxy
and --accelerate
are deprecated in favor of --no-engine
as Prisma Client no longer requires an option to work with Prisma Accelerate. All options are available and work similarly, but we recommend --no-engine
as it prevents an engine from being downloaded which will greatly impact the size of apps deployed to serverless and edge functions.
Argument | Required | Description | Default | |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma , ./prisma/schema.prisma | |
--generator | No | Specifies which generator to use to generate assets. This option may be provided multiple times to include multiple generators. By default, all generators in the target schema will be run. |
Generate Prisma Client using the default schema.prisma
prisma generate
✔ Generated Prisma Client to ./node_modules/.prisma/client in 61ms
You can now start using Prisma Client in your code:
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
// or const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client')
const prisma = new PrismaClient()
Explore the full API:
Generate Prisma Client using a non-default schema.prisma
prisma generate --schema=./alternative/schema.prisma
Continue watching the schema.prisma
file for changes to automatically re-generate Prisma Client
prisma generate --watch
Watching... /home/prismauser/prisma/prisma-play/prisma/schema.prisma
✔ Generated Prisma Client to ./node_modules/.prisma/client in 45ms
Run the generate
command with only a specific generator
prisma generate --generator client
Run the generate
command with multiple specific generators
prisma generate --generator client --generator zod_schemas
Generated Assets
The prisma-client-js
generator creates a customized client for working with your database within the ./node_modules/.prisma/client
directory by default - you can customize the output folder.
Deprecation warning
From Prisma ORM 3.0.0 onwards, the prisma introspect
command is deprecated and replaced with the prisma db pull
Validates the Prisma Schema Language of the Prisma schema file.
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma , ./prisma/schema.prisma |
Validate a schema without errors
prisma validate
Validate a schema with validation errors
prisma validate
Formats the Prisma schema file, which includes validating, formatting, and persisting the schema.
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma , ./prisma/schema.prisma |
--check | No | Fails if any files are unformatted. This can be used in CI to detect if the schema is formatted correctly |
Validate a schema without errors
prisma format
Formatting a schema with validation errors
prisma format
Prints information for debugging and bug reports.
This is available from version 5.6.0 and newer.
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma , ./prisma/schema.prisma |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
prisma debug
If you're using an older version of Prisma, you can use this command by running:
npx prisma@latest debug
db pull
The db pull
command connects to your database and adds Prisma models to your Prisma schema that reflect the current database schema.
Warning: The command will overwrite the current schema.prisma
file with the new schema. Some manual changes or customization can be lost. Be sure to back up your current schema.prisma
file (or commit your current state to version control to be able to revert any changes) before running db pull
if it contains important modifications.
Introspection with the db pull
command on the MongoDB connector samples the data instead of reading a schema.
Before using the db pull
command, you must define a valid datasource
within your schema.prisma
For example, the following datasource
defines a SQLite database file within the current directory:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:my-database.db"
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--force | No | Force overwrite of manual changes made to schema. The generated schema will be based on the introspected schema only. | |
--print | No | Prints the created schema.prisma to the screen instead of writing it to the filesystem. |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma , ./prisma/schema.prisma |
Analyze the database and write its schema to the schema.prisma
prisma db pull
Introspecting based on datasource defined in schema.prisma …
✔ Introspected 2 models and wrote them into schema.prisma in 38ms
Run prisma generate to generate Prisma Client.
Specify an alternative schema.prisma
file to read and write to
prisma db pull --schema=./alternative/schema.prisma
Introspecting based on datasource defined in alternative/schema.prisma …
✔ Introspected 2 models and wrote them into alternative/schema.prisma in 60ms
Run prisma generate to generate Prisma Client.
Display the generated schema.prisma
file instead of writing it to the filesystem
prisma db pull --print
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:./hello-prisma.db"
model User {
email String @unique
name String?
user_id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
post Post[]
profile Profile[]
model Post {
content String?
post_id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
author User? @relation(fields: [author_id], references: [user_id])
author_id Int?
model Profile {
bio String?
profile_id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user User @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [user_id])
user_id Int @unique
db push
The db push
command pushes the state of your Prisma schema to the database without using migrations. It creates the database if the database does not exist.
This command is a good choice when you do not need to version schema changes, such as during prototyping and local development.
See also:
- Conceptual overview of
db push
and when to use it over Prisma Migrate - Schema prototyping with
db push
Before using the db push
command, you must define a valid datasource within your schema.prisma
For example, the following datasource
defines a SQLite database file within the current directory:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:my-database.db"
Options | Required | Description |
--skip-generate | No | Skip generation of artifacts such as Prisma Client |
--force-reset | No | Resets the database and then updates the schema - useful if you need to start from scratch due to unexecutable migrations. |
--accept-data-loss | No | Ignore data loss warnings. This option is required if as a result of making the schema changes, data may be lost. |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
Push the schema:
prisma db push
Push the schema, accepting data loss:
prisma db push --accept-data-loss
Push the schema with a custom schema location:
prisma db push --schema=/tmp/schema.prisma
db seed
db seed
changed from Preview to Generally Available (GA) in 3.0.1.
Options | Required | Description |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
-- | No | Allows the use of custom arguments defined in a seed file |
The --
argument/ delimiter/ double-dash is available from version 4.15.0 or later.
prisma db seed
db execute
The db execute
command is Generally Available in versions 3.13.0 and later. If you're using a version between 3.9.0 and 3.13.0, it is available behind a --preview-feature
CLI flag.
This command is currently not supported on MongoDB.
This command applies a SQL script to the database without interacting with the Prisma migrations table. The script takes two inputs:
- the SQL script, which can be provided either on standard input or in a file
- the data source, which can either be the URL of the data source or the path to your Prisma schema file
The output of the command is connector-specific, and is not meant for returning data, but only to report success or failure.
See also:
Before using the db execute
command, if you do not use the --url
option you must define a valid datasource
within your schema.prisma
For example, the following datasource
defines a SQLite database file within the current directory:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:my-database.db"
One of the following data source inputs is required:
Options | Description |
--url | URL of the data source to run the command on |
--schema | Path to a Prisma schema file, uses the URL in the datasource block |
One of the following script inputs is required:
Options | Description |
--stdin | Use the terminal standard input as the script to be executed |
--file | Path to a file. The content will be sent as the script to be executed |
Other options:
Options | Required | Description |
--help | No | Displays the help message. |
Take the content of a SQL file located at
and execute it on the database specified by the URL in thedatasource
block of yourschema.prisma
file:prisma db execute --file ./script.sql --schema schema.prisma
Take the SQL script from standard input and execute it on the database specified by the data source URL given in the
environment variable:echo 'TRUNCATE TABLE dev;' | prisma db execute --stdin --url="$DATABASE_URL"
Prisma Migrate
Prisma Migrate changed from Preview to Generally Available (GA) in 2.19.0.
migrate dev
For use in development environments only, requires shadow database
The migrate dev
- Reruns the existing migration history in the shadow database in order to detect schema drift (edited or deleted migration file, or a manual changes to the database schema)
- Applies pending migrations to the shadow database (for example, new migrations created by colleagues)
- Generates a new migration from any changes you made to the Prisma schema before running
migrate dev
- Applies all unapplied migrations to the development database and updates the
table - Triggers the generation of artifacts (for example, Prisma Client)
See also:
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--create-only | No | Creates a new migration but does not apply it. This also works if you haven't made any changes to your schema (in that case, an empty migration is created). Run migrate dev to apply migration. | |
--skip-seed | No | Skip triggering seed | |
--skip-generate | No | Skip triggering generators (for example, Prisma Client) | |
--name / -n | No | Name the migration (e.g. prisma migrate dev --name added_job_title ) | |
--help / -h | No | Displays the help message |
If a schema drift is detected while running prisma migrate dev
using --create-only
, you will be prompted to reset your database.
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--name | No | The name of the migration. If no name is provided, the CLI will prompt you. | |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
Apply all migrations, then create and apply any new migrations:
prisma migrate dev
Apply all migrations and create a new migration if there are schema changes, but do not apply it:
prisma migrate dev --create-only
migrate reset
For use in development environments only
This command:
- Drops the database/schema if possible, or performs a soft reset if the environment does not allow deleting databases/schemas
- Creates a new database/schema with the same name if the database/schema was dropped
- Applies all migrations
- Runs seed scripts
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--force | No | Skip the confirmation prompt | |
--skip-generate | No | Skip triggering generators (for example, Prisma Client) | |
--skip-seed | No | Skip triggering seed | |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
prisma migrate reset
migrate deploy
The migrate deploy
command applies all pending migrations, and creates the database if it does not exist. Primarily used in non-development environments. This command:
- Does not look for drift in the database or changes in the Prisma schema
- Does not reset the database or generate artifacts
- Does not rely on a shadow database
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
prisma migrate deploy
migrate resolve
The migrate resolve
command allows you to solve migration history issues in production by marking a failed migration as already applied (supports baselining) or rolled back.
Note that this command can only be used with a failed migration. If you try to use it with a successful migration you will receive an error.
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--applied | No* | Record a specific migration as applied - for example --applied "20201231000000_add_users_table" | |
--rolled-back | No* | Record a specific migration as rolled back - for example --rolled-back "20201231000000_add_users_table" | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
You must specify either --rolled-back
or --applied
prisma migrate resolve --applied 20201231000000_add_users_table
prisma migrate resolve --rolled-back 20201231000000_add_users_table
migrate status
The prisma migrate status
command looks up the migrations in ./prisma/migrations/*
folder and the entries in the _prisma_migrations
table and compiles information about the state of the migrations in your database.
For example:
3 migrations found in prisma/migrations
Your local migration history and the migrations table from your database are different:
The last common migration is: 20201127134938_new_migration
The migration have not yet been applied:
The migrations from the database are not found locally in prisma/migrations:
In versions 4.3.0 and later, prisma migrate status
exits with exit code 1 in the following cases:
- a database connection error occurs
- there are migration files in the
directory that have not been applied to the database - the migration history in the
directory has diverged from the state of the database - no migration table is found
- failed migrations are found
Option | Required | Description | Default |
--help / --h | No | Displays the help message |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
prisma migrate status
migrate diff
The migrate diff
command is Generally Available in versions 3.13.0 and later. If you're using a version between 3.9.0 and 3.13.0, it is available behind a --preview-feature
CLI flag.
This command is only partially supported for MongoDB. See the command options below for details.
This command compares two database schema sources and outputs a description of a migration taking the first to the state of the second.
The output can be given either as a human-readable summary (the default) or an executable script.
The migrate diff
command can only compare database features that are supported by Prisma. If two databases differ only in unsupported features, such as views or triggers, then migrate diff
will not show any difference between them.
The format of the command is:
prisma migrate diff --from-... <source1> --to-... <source2>
where the --from-...
and --to-...
options are selected based on the type of database schema source. The supported types of sources are:
- live databases
- migration histories
- Prisma schema data models
- an empty schema
Both schema sources must use the same database provider. For example, a diff comparing a PostgreSQL data source with a SQLite data source is not supported.
See also:
Before using the migrate diff
command, if you are using the --from-schema-datasource
or --to-schema-datasource
you must define a valid datasource
within your schema.prisma
For example, the following datasource
defines a SQLite database file within the current directory:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:my-database.db"
One of the following --from-...
options is required:
Options | Description | Notes |
--from-url | A data source URL | |
--from-migrations | Path to the Prisma Migrate migrations directory | Not supported in MongoDB |
--from-schema-datamodel | Path to a Prisma schema file, uses the data model for the diff | |
--from-schema-datasource | Path to a Prisma schema file, uses the URL in the datasource block for the diff | |
--from-empty | Assume that you the data model you are migrating from is empty | |
--from-local-d1 | Path to a local D1 instance (learn more) | Available since 5.12.0 |
One of the following --to-...
options is required:
Options | Description | Notes |
--to-url | A data source URL | |
--to-migrations | Path to the Prisma Migrate migrations directory | Not supported in MongoDB |
--to-schema-datamodel | Path to a Prisma schema file, uses the data model for the diff | |
--to-schema-datasource | Path to a Prisma schema file, uses the URL in the datasource block for the diff | |
--to-empty | Assume that you the data model you are migrating to is empty | |
--to-local-d1 | Path to a local D1 instance (learn more) | Available since 5.12.0 |
Other options:
Options | Required | Description | Notes |
--shadow-database-url | No | URL for the shadow database | Only required if using --to-migrations or --from-migrations |
--script | No | Outputs a SQL script instead of the default human-readable summary | Not supported in MongoDB |
-o , --output | No | Writes to a file instead of stdout | Available since 5.12.1 |
--exit-code | No | Change the exit code behavior to signal if the diff is empty or not (Empty: 0, Error: 1, Not empty: 2). Default behavior is Success: 0, Error: 1. | |
--help | No | Displays the help message. |
Compare two databases specified by their data source URL, and output the default human-readable summary:
prisma migrate diff \
--from-url "$DATABASE_URL" \
--to-url "postgresql://login:password@localhost:5432/db2" -
Compare the state of a database with a URL of
to the schema defined by the migrations in the./prisma/migrations
directory, and output the differences to a scriptscript.sql
:prisma migrate diff \
--from-url "$DATABASE_URL" \
--to-migrations ./prisma/migrations \
--shadow-database-url $SHADOW_DATABASE_URL \
--script > script.sql
Prisma Data Platform
(Early Access)
The platform
command provides access to the Prisma Data Platform through the Prisma CLI starting in version 5.10.0
or later.
platform auth login
: Opens a browser window for login or account creation.platform auth logout
: Logs out of the platform.platform auth show
: Displays information about the currently authenticated user.
Workspace Management:
platform workspace show
: Lists all workspaces available to your account.
Project Management:
platform project show
: Lists all projects within the specified workspace.platform project create
: Creates a new project within the specified workspace.platform project delete
: Deletes the specified project.
Environment Management:
platform environment show
: Lists all environments for the specified project.platform environment create
: Creates a new environment within the specified project.platform environment delete
: Deletes the specified environment.
API Key Management:
platform apikey show
: Lists all API keys for the specified environment.platform apikey create
: Creates a new API key for the specified environment.platform apikey delete
: Deletes the specified API key.
Prisma Accelerate:
platform accelerate enable
: Enables Prisma Accelerate for the specified environment.platform accelerate disable
: Disables Prisma Accelerate for the specified environment.
You can find the complete list of available commands with the arguments here.
The studio
command allows you to interact with and manage your data interactively. It does this by starting a local web server with a web app configured with your project's data schema and records.
Before using the studio
command, you must define a valid datasource
within your schema.prisma
For example, the following datasource
defines a SQLite database file within the current directory:
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:my-database.db"
The studio
command recognizes the following options:
Option | Required | Description | Default |
-b , --browser | No | The browser to auto-open Studio in. | <your-default-browser> |
-h , --help | No | Show all available options and exit | |
-p , --port | No | The port number to start Studio on. | 5555 |
Argument | Required | Description | Default |
--schema | No | Specifies the path to the desired schema.prisma file to be processed instead of the default path. Both absolute and relative paths are supported. | ./schema.prisma ./prisma/schema.prisma |
Start Studio on the default port and open a new browser tab to it
prisma studio
Start Studio on a different port and open a new browser tab to it
prisma studio --port 7777
Start Studio and open a Firefox tab to it
prisma studio --browser firefox
Start Studio without opening a new browser tab to it
prisma studio --browser none
entry options
The path to the desired schema.prisma
file can be specified with the prisma.schema
entry in the package.json
file. The path defines the file the Prisma CLI should use when you run any of the CLI commands. Both absolute and relative paths are supported.
"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"prisma": {
"schema": "./custom-path-to-schema/schema.prisma"
This is available from version 2.7.0 and later.
The command used to populate the datasource is specified in the prisma.seed
entry in the package.json
file. It is used when prisma db seed
is invoked or triggered.
"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"prisma": {
"seed": "node ./prisma/seed.js"
This is available from version 3.0.1 and later.
Using a HTTP proxy for the CLI
Prisma CLI supports custom HTTP proxies. This is particularly relevant when being behind a corporate firewall.
To activate usage of the proxy, provide either of the following environment variables:
: Proxy URL for http traffic, for examplehttp://localhost:8080
: Proxy URL for https traffic, for examplehttps://localhost:8080