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Does Optimize automatically implement optimizations?

Prisma Optimize offers insights and recommendations on how to improve your database queries. It does not alter any existing queries or your Prisma schema.

How long is a recording session retained in Optimize?

There are no limits on the storage retention period. Optimize will store a recording session until you explicitly delete it.

Do recommendation limits reset monthly?

Yes, the recommendation usage resets at the beginning of each calendar month. For example, if you use 5 recommendations by the end of the month, your usage will reset to 0 at the start of the next month.

Can I get charged for exceeding the recommendation limit on the starter plan?

Yes, if you’re on the starter plan, exceeding 5 recommendations in a billing cycle will result in a $5 charge at the end of that cycle. For more information, visit our pricing page.

How does Optimize track viewed recommendations for billing? Are they counted based on generated or viewed recommendations?

They are counted based on viewed recommendations. Once you click on a recommendation from the recommendations table and view the recommendation's detail page, it counts as being seen.

Can I use Prisma Optimize in production?

No, Prisma Optimize is not intended for production use. It is specifically designed for local development, providing valuable insights and optimizations during that phase. While it’s technically possible to run it in a production environment, doing so could result in performance problems or unexpected behaviors, as Optimize is not built to handle the complexity and scale of production workloads. For the best experience, we recommend using Prisma Optimize solely in your development environment.

You can use the enable property in the Optimize extension to run Optimize only in development environment. By default, the enable property is set to true.

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { withOptimize } from "@prisma/extension-optimize"

const prisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(
apiKey: process.env.OPTIMIZE_API_KEY,
enable: process.env.ENVIRONMENT === 'development',